Saturday morning at around 3am I remember faintly feeling period type cramps and in my sleep state was thinking "ugh, I don't want to get my period..." then proceeded to pass out again. I don't know how much longer, but I was woken up by another one of these cramping spells and got up to go to the bathroom and noticed my "bloody show" happened (also, what a disgusting name). So then I was like, holy shit, this is happening, and those cramps are contractions. Sure enough for about 4 hours I had rhythmic contractions, definitely not braxton hicks, but they were irregular and not super intense, so I figured this was the start of labor. Saturday morning I was excited thinking things were going to happen SOON.
I was more exhausted than I've ever been. Woke up around 11am and after breakfast needed to sleep more. The contractions pretty much died down during the afternoon but then I noticed a gush of fluid when getting up from the couch, so I felt that my bag of waters was now in a slow leak- not enough for me to be concerned about the amount of fluid, but still got me excited! So I told my mom that I thought things were going to progress in the next day or so, since she's driving 1.5 hours I wanted to put her on alert.
Saturday night I was woken up again by the contractions, stronger now and closer together that I decided to groggily time one. 7 minutes apart! But I only timed one pair because they still felt irregular and not super intense. Sunday morning came without anything at this point. The contractions had pretty much stopped so I called my doula and told her how frustrated I was, no baby and now we were making even less progress. That's when she told me about prodromal labor or "false" labor, which I have to say is an irritating name because bitches this is not comfortable and has to be doing something, so let's just call it beginners labor or some crap, there's nothing false about it.
I slept through the night on Sunday and woke up this morning (monday) very irritated that another night went by and no "real" labor had started. So I guess it's off to work since there's no birthing about to happen. Well, I choose quite the excellent day to venture outside. The midwest, including Chicago are getting record cold temperatures, on top of trying to get out of a garage that has been snowed in for the past few days. It took us a few tries to get the car out of the unplowed alley, rocking back and forth, making that baby head in your pelvis feel like death. One the way to work a few contractions, and getting out of the car another gush of fluid, then into my office for more contractions. Holy balls, I already regret this decision. Here I sit in my office, while my husband is getting new tires on the car, which will take 4 hours. We have set ourselves up for disaster for sure.
Either way, I wish someone had told me about this fake labor crap. It's a joke, a stupid and exhausting joke. I am not amused and grow more irritable every hour. Ugh.

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