There have been some changes in the past few weeks, but especially in the past week. I know it's my body prepping for labor, but still, why does it have to get so weird?
1. heightened sense of smell- holy moses, I'm like a cat with catnip. Laundry dryer sheets drive me wild. I can't explain it. I want to bury my face so hard in their smell and rub it all over my body. I want to take multiple whiffs it's so amazing. The same effect with hand soaps and fizzy bath balls. I can't get enough.Bad news bears when I got a whiff of rubber cement today at work and most likely got high from sniffing glue. Next thing you know I'll be on TLC's "My strange addiction." Is this normal to have a sudden increase in sense of smell? Just thinking about it makes me want to roll around in dryer sheets.
2. The big question- I've gotten this question from friends, but also strangers who have yelled it across a lobby. "how dilated are you!?" I'm not a super personal person, but I feel like asking a stranger how big their cervix hole is, is just weird. Also, I have no idea because my midwives don't constantly stick their fingers in your hole when your dilation and effacement don't really mean much. Nah, I'm good... I'll assume it's doin it's thang. Get stretchy mr.cervix, get stretchy.
3. lightening crotch- I think that's what this is called. Recently I'll be walking around and get a stabbing pain right in my cervix. I'm pretty sure it's because the baby got a hold of a miniature baby knife and is slicing her way out. That's the only explanation for this stabbing grab-your-crotch-in-public pain.
4. Fatigue- I was tired in the first trimester and then I went back to my normal low-energy personality filled with naps, but holy crap in the last week I've developed full on narcolepsy. Taking a bath, I fell asleep- like dreaming and waking up panicked cause you don't know where you are, type of sleep. I got acupuncture and was left sitting in a chair and did the same thing. I'm talking leave me alone for 20 minutes and I pass out into a coma with no recollection of where I am or how I got here.
5. Oh the emotions- I can't keep my shit together for anything. Picking out an anniversary card for the husband? Ridiculous pregnant cry fest in the middle of the aisle, wherever the hell I was getting the card. Got an email from the dog walker who is on standby when I go into labor. His last email mentioned "the baby's birthday" and I bawled at that too.
6. Braxton hicks- I've been having these "practice contractions" since the beginning of the second trimester, but now they are a few times an hour and squeeze everything including my little heart (making me want to die) and my bowels (making me crap my pants).
7. Fluids- Did my water break? Did I pee? Yeah, it all becomes unknown at a certain point. That's pretty disgusting.
8. Hot flashes- I'm sorry for my husband and my coworkers who have to sit in a frosty environment while I'm burning up with heat. There's nothing worse. I can't get my clothes off fast enough. I look around and everyone else is wearing hats and scarfs in the office and I'm sitting in a wife beater with pit stains.

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