1. Puj bath tub- This small foam tub folds to conform to your sink making it easy to bathe baby. The upside is that you unfold it and can hang it on the back of a door to dry or to store. Many baby tubs out there are large and bulky but they make you think that you need a tub that will continuously clean your water and maintain the precise water temperature needed for baby. Give me a break. Get the Puj.
2. Arms Reach CoSleeper bassinet- If you're like me, you're going to bring your teeny human home and take one look at your pristine nursery and realize you cannot imagine your baby sleeping anywhere but in your room. The arms reach is like a teeny crib for your bedside. It's super light and one side comes down so you can better get babe out. There is a way to attach to your bed, but I haven't found out why you would need to do that. Save yourself the time, don't attach it to your bed.
3. Peanut changing pad- I don't understand why anyone would have any other changing pad. The material it's made from makes it impermeable to moisture and also limits bacteria growth, what does this mean to you? No diaper pad covers, which means less laundry because why do you want to have to change a diaper pad cover? Get a poo splatter on the peanut, just wipe it clean and move on with your life. It also doesn't move around when on a dresser. It's the best. Keekaroo Peanut.
4. A baby carrier- Wear your baby. Just do it. There are so many benefits to wearing your kid, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't, however that being said, there are so many carriers on the market, it can be overwhelming and most people gravitate to the Bjorn because it's a popular name. Do research and also try many varieties of carriers on. I wouldn't recommend the Bjorn because of the way babies legs dangle, which can cause hip dysplasia. Look for a carrier that uses the "happy hips" position. I happen to love the Stokke carrier (good for dads), the Tula carrier, which is a soft structured carrier, and I also have the Moby wrap. There are baby wearing groups nationally, which allow you to test out all the different types of carriers before you buy. It's also a great place to meet moms!
5. breast pump- Before you register for one, check with your insurance about coverage. All insurances are different but I believe all insurances will cover something related to breastfeeding "equipment." You will also want a hands free pumping bra, otherwise you will spend 30 minutes holding the bottles and watching the clock, which inhibits let down, plus you have no hands for anything. Get a hands free bra. Simple Wishes is a very well rated hands free bra because there's really two sizes. I have ginormous boobs and I am still in a standard size. There are ways to get the perfect fit for all those different sized milk boobs out there.
6. Earth mama angel baby- This company is an organic mama and baby product company. Avi had a bad diaper rash around 1 month, so bad that the pediatrician prescribed some ointment. Before I used that, I put some of earth mama angel baby bottom balm on her tush and no joke, it cleared it up in a day. It's magical and made of angel tears. Get some.
7. Nursing tops- So many people get those nursing covers like hooter hiders or udder covers or whatever nonsense boob covers are out there. I also got one cause it seemed like the thing to do. Avi hates being covered, she kicks and squirms and we both sweat and so then it's obvious what's happening because I'm wearing a bed sheet trying to breastfeed. Stop it. There are nursing tops that allow breastfeeding discretely in public. I love them. Some brands I love are Boob design, Molly Ades nursing tank, Nom black nursing dress
Molly Ades nursing tank. You can't see a thing, and I have a lot to see! |
9. Stroller- There are a bajillion strollers to choose from. Again, if you have access to a store with a big selection, I'd recommend trying a few out to see what feels best and fits your families needs. A family in the suburbs needs are different than a family in the city. We have a Bugaboo Chameleon which we love, but more importantly I want to rave about the umbrella stroller we bought for travel. I think it's almost essential for everyone to have two strollers, especially if you do some traveling and don't want to lug your big expensive stroller to the airport and trust the luggage handlers not to dismember your stroller. We got the UPPAbaby G-luxe umbrella stroller and could not be happier. There are very few umbrella strollers that recline enough for a baby, which is essential for babies with limited head control usually less than 3 months old. The UPPAbaby reclines almost flat, its' super light weight and opens and closes in one motion. Also with the purchase of the UPPAbaby travel bag, the stroller is guaranteed for 2 years. Legit. Holy hell, it's so easy to use. Best purchase ever.
10. Bottles- One thing no one told me was to consider the different types of flow with all the bottles out there. If you are breast feeding and will be introducing a bottle, you will want the flow of nipple and bottle to be similar. Some of the bottles out there pour out and lots of babies will choke because the flow is so fast, or some will get used to how easy it is to chug and then will prefer bottle over breast. Every baby is different with preference to bottle, so I would recommend buying a few 4oz bottles in a variety of brands. Some I like are Avent Natural 4oz, Dr. Brown's natural flow (I also like the wide neck version), Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature, Playtex Drop-Ins nurser. Also, just extra information- you don't need to sterilize your bottles more than once. When you get the bottles for the first time you can sterilize them with boiling water, or if you have a sterilizing function on the dishwasher, however you don't actually need to buy a bottle sterilizer. After that, hot soapy water will clean them fine.

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