Here's the breakdown of my schedule of what I'm capable of at 2 months...(sounds pretty pathetic) oh well.
7:30am- tubby wakes for her first breakfast. I bring her into bed to feed her in the side lying position (this position is critical to master. Get to know it.)
8:00- done with tub's breakfast and ready for playtime round #1. I'm pretty asleep at this point so I let her babble in my bed next to me while I half ass babble back. Avi gives me some slack with my half ass attempt at play time, she knows mom isn't a morning person.
9:00- time for Avi's nap (I've been somewhat comatose this entire time), playtime was pretty intense for tubby. Paci goes in the mouth and both Avi and I fall back asleep.
10:30- Tubby wakes for breakfast #2. I guess it's time to get up. She eats for about 30 minutes, again in side lying position so I can get a little more shut eye, man I'm such a lazy ass loser. Tomorrow we are having people over for dinner and I told the hubs I wanted to make prune braised short ribs and mashed potatoes. The kicker? The short ribs take two days to make, so I have to start today.
11:00- brush teeth, change diaper. Crap I waited too long and pee leaked out onto sheets. Oh well, it'll dry. Put baby in Tula and get to kitchen for some cooking. Throw on some Pandora tunes and bust out the ingredients.
11ish- chop, chop... brown the meat... chop chop. Dance a little. Dog walker picks dog up. Dance more. Avi still not asleep, but content. Don't splash hot oil on baby. Chop and dice more. Crap, my blood sugar tanks. Drink some Kefir.
1:00- All prep work and browning of meet is done and at some point Avi fell asleep in the carrier. Dish goes in oven for 2.5 hours to cook. Avi wakes up and is ready for lunch. Grab pineapple and yogurt (I just realized how yogurt-filled my day was... today I really sacrificed food to get shit done). Sit and look out window with baby and dog and snack one handed while feeding baby.
1:30- Some tummy time (okay picture is of her on her back, but I promise we did some tummy time), throw days of poopy laundry in wash and then watch "Scandal" (Yes I am way behind, just starting this). Avi demands snack while watching Scndal, she has yet to really get into the show.
2:30- Food is done cooking in oven and Scandal is over. Avi is somewhat content, so on a walk we go. Grab stroller and bassinet. Throw on boots, take stroller out door. Grab dog. Bundle baby. Shit... wallet in car. Go back inside, out backdoor to car to grab wallet. Now we are set to head to bakery to grab donut and coffee. Walk around with dog and baby. Gulp coffee, and call mom (I could use about 2 other hands at this point, but we make do. I most likely looked ridiculous and spilled some coffee, but worth it).
4:30- Get home. Baby still asleep. Now what? Take shower! Bring bassinet in, don't touch baby, leave her on the floor, jump in shower. Hear baby cry. Open shower door- baby quiet (it's the crazies in my head). Yes. This shower will include shampoo and conditioner. Shave legs? Crap, razor on counter outside shower. Another day.... or next month.
5:00- Avi still asleep. Put clean underwear on. Yes. Put hair in french braid (It's a fancy night obviously). Find clean leggings ( let's be honest, no one is ready for real clothes, let's not get ahead of ourselves).... no clean leggings. Find somewhat clean leggings. Fuck it. Just find some leggings.
5:30- baby still sleeping. Now what? Grab a piece of fruit and water. Lug bassinet downstairs and put on couch. BLOG.
5:40- Avi wakes up for dinner. Time for more "Scandal" and wait for hubs to come home.
BOOM. I'm the master of the universe with clean underwear and washed hair.

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