Get up close and personal with me and my bump! Yup, this is what happens every night, all through the night. People who have never been pregnant ask, "what does it feel like?" I was always told it's like a butterfly fluttering around in there. WRONG!
It starts out like little muscle twitches, and then moves on to full on jiu jitsu inside of you, and you pray the sweet little babe doesn't flip breech, because then it's murder to your cervix nub. You don't know if you should pee or cry, or possibly both, either way it'll leave you inappropriately grabbing your crotch.
Here she is, practicing her Irish jig...

i love this blog kristin! you are the cutest mama ever! we should do a maternity session when i'm in town in october!!! :) i love your post opinions are like assholes too :) xo, h