Oh snap, there's meeba, yeah like an ameba, waving it's hand errr maybe foot. I guess this really confirms that something is growing inside me! It's a really bizzare feeling thinking and "knowing" your pregnant but still not showing or feeling movement. Before the ultrasound, you just had to assume the zillion-quadrillion pee tests you took were right, but still... what if it was something else, how can we be sure? Those are the crazies talking, but that happens. So we got the ultrasound and sure enough there's a little babe in there, moving around like crazy. This ultrasound confirmed I was at 11 weeks... 12 now, so right where I thought I was.
The nausea is lessening up a little bit, I can eat small portions of red meat, but still no other meat, and definitely not... gag... pork. We started telling people, our closest friends and family. We even made an announcement video Pregnancy Announcement! but it's still scary to think about dropping it on Facebook, because then the whole world will know about meeba, and there's something terrifying about that... but I am also not one of those people who has Facebook but doesn't want to put any information on there, because, what's the point? You should just delete your account and stop have a FB account to stalk others pictures.

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