Well here it is, a blog to document my journey through pregnancy and then through motherhood. My story starts like this, I got married New Year's Eve 2012, I must say, it's a fantastic day to get married on, already has a built in party factor and people are ready to drink and dance. My husband S and I have talked about kids numerous times and my argument was that my eggs are from the 80s, so we needed to get a move on using them before they expire.
We decided that summer of 2013 we'd start "trying", really just having old fashioned unprotected sex. Well that's out there for the world to see. Anyways, starting around March, I was having bad migraines and elevated BP which worried me, and I decided I didn't want to take b.c. anymore, so I stopped at the end of March thinking, I've been on this baby candy forever, it'll take at least 6 months to get preg.
And then BOOM one time magic.
I went on with my life as if nothing was going on. I stopped drinking for a little bit through April just in case, but then I had what I thought was my period, so continued my life as if I wasn't pregnant and was just going to keep trying in May.
As the weeks passed, something kept nagging my brain to take a preg test, which I thought was weird since I thought for sure I had my period. 11:00pm the night before mother's day, I thought I'd take a pee test just for a baseline... POSITIVE.
S and I had a moment of disbelief and went into research mode of all the other reasons it could be positive... idiots.
The next morning was mother's day (ironic eh?) and we were brunching it up with our parents. The tension was unbearable, we had to spill the news. There was yelling and crying, and even a napkin flying through the air. Everyone was so excited.
So here we are, about 8 weeks along. The midwife won't bring me in until 10 weeks, which is pure torture. At this point I'm assuming I'm pregnant just because some magic white sticks that I pee'd on told me so. That's some sorcery right there.
yup... see there's the bloated gas mess forming, and my outrageous bedhead.
How far along? 8 weeks!
Maternity clothes: No way! Still in my regular clothes, although I feel uber bloated, so stretchy things already feel better
Stretch marks: Nope. I pray they stay away.
Sleep: Same as before. I love me some sleep.
Best moment this week: Realizing that maybe I am for real pregger mc.greggor!
Miss anything? my period. lol.
Movement: just gas.
Food cravings: Cantelope, any kind of fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick? Meat, specifically pork. OMG die.
Gender: won't know for awhile!
Labor signs: That would be tragic
Symptoms: drop in blood sugar, especially right when I wake up, which makes me want to vom all over. Nausea constantly. Food aversions to lots of real food except fruit. Extremely tired, but I also stopped coffee cold turkey, slight cramping like period cramps every day which is really a fun time, bloating... I could go on and on about my glory.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Both. I had a good cry one night when I full on panicked about something growing inside of me. I guess that's the hormones.
Looking forward to: Getting a small bump so I don't have to cover my fat gas pouch anymore.

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